Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Colourful Coleus

This is a quick post to show the planting done on Sunday morning to brighten up our front and back verandahs.  I visited my favourite plant nursery with no particular type of plant in mind - just wanted something that was showy, created impact and relatively maintenance free - but I also knew I wanted a plant that would complement the two large copper pots they would be placed in on the front verandah.  These copper pots had belonged to my mother-in-law (who passed away some years ago now) and my husband painstakingly restored them for me.  

The lighting in the photograph doesn't really do justice to the shine that these copper pots now have but I thought the colouring of this particular Coleus (with a name of Sultana) suited it perfectly.  As you can see, the other pot has been placed at the far end of the verandah and both will receive good sunlight in the morning.  

I just love the frilly effect effect around the perimeter of the leaves and the lacy effect on the veins. My crafty mind imagines the colours have been crocheted together with a picot edge.

This other Coleus variety with a softer shade of green and cream and pink/red centre has been placed on our back verandah and blends well with our house colours.  

I've been so happy with the effect of these Coleus plants there's a good chance I'll be buying more varieties to place in other areas of the garden or to add to the verandahs. There are just so many different colours and leaf shapes to create interest.  


 'Life is about what we give, not about what we get' - Ken Duncan